Anyone wishing to survive in the icy forests of Finland, within the Arctic Circle, needs to have strong defences. Only wild and hand-picked berries are used to make Carbo Basic Plus Polar Berries which contain a high concentration of flavonoids. These are what gives the plants their color and protect against harmful environmental influences such as free radicals. In people, phytochemicals can minimize the risk of infection and illness. The antioxidative and anti-inflammatory effects are also beneficial in sport. After all, the same applies here as in nature: only the fit come out on top.
Carbo Basic Plus Special Edition is vegan, free from lactose, gluten and artificial additives.
Suitable also for carbo-loading before a competition.
1 serving = fill bottle (750 ml) with approx. 250 ml of water and add 60 g of powder. Shake well. Fill bottle completely with water and shake again. The recommended ingestion is 0.4 – 0.8 liters of liquid along with 30 – 90 g of carbohydrates per hour, depending on temperature and activity.
Ingredients: Pregelatinized potato starch, maltodextrin, sucrose, dextrose, berry powder mixture 7.6 % (lingonberry, sea buckthorn, bilberry), table salt, magnesium citrate, flavor.