ZnačkaRocky Mountain
Katalogové číslo10001183
Kód výrobce1810010
Availability In stock (2 pc)
CZK  1,170 VAT
PopisYour Powerplay uses the "SLIDER" in the middle of the drive to control the force of the chain and direct it to the drive pinion. These are consumables that need to be kept clean and should be inspected and replaced as needed. The manufacturer recommends replacing the Slider if the grooves in it are deeper than 4mm.
Your Powerplay uses the "SLIDER" in the middle of the drive to control the force of the chain and direct it to the drive pinion. These are consumables that need to be kept clean and should be inspected and replaced as needed. The manufacturer recommends replacing the Slider if the grooves in it are deeper than 4mm.
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